Mold DYNAMIC 5 – in abbonamento
LICENZA IN ABBONAMENTO con possibilità di riscatto
Calcolo in regime variabile 2D/3D di ponti termici + rischio muffa e condense. Calcolo delle caratteristiche dinamiche dei componenti edili secondo la norma ISO 13786. Calcolo sfasamento/attenuazione di strutture disomogenee. Glaser dinamico.
Mold PRO 5 comprende il generatore parametrico di ponti termici BRIDGE GENERATOR che consente la creazione di ponti termici e il collegamento con il software EC700 Edilclima.
[box type=”info”]Per le versioni in abbonamento è richiesta una connessione internet attiva.[/box]
Leggi le condizioni di abbonamento e riscatto nella scheda sotto.
a partire da: €240,00 +iva ogni 3 mesi (costo iniziale €28,00)
MOLD DYNAMIC versione 5 – analisi termica in regime variabile
è un modellatore agli elementi finiti (fem) bidimensionale o tridimensionale, per il calcolo termico dinamico di strutture edili, ponti termici e per l’analisi del rischio di condensa superficiale e interstiziale in regime termico variabile di pareti, solai, tetti e altre strutture edilizie.
Mold DYNAMIC consente di effettuare simulazioni con parametri in ingresso variabili nel tempo. Puoi assegnare ai contorni della struttura delle curve dell’andamento nel tempo di temperatura, umidità e flusso termico (ad esempio la radiazione solare su una parete o il flusso termico in un impianto radiante). Le curve possono essere create con dei tool del programma o le puoi importare da dati tabellari, come ad esempio i file dei dati climatici.
Mold DYNAMIC effettua una serie di analisi agli elementi finiti della struttura utilizzando punti successivi sulle curve delle condizioni al contorno e tenendo conto dei risultati della simulazione precedente. In questo modo viene simulato in ogni punto della struttura l’effettivo andamento nel tempo del flusso di calore e della temperatura. E’ quindi possibile vedere, ad esempio, l’andamento nel tempo dei tratti di struttura soggetta a muffa o a condensazione superficiale al variare della temperatura, dell’umidità e dell’irraggiamento solare sulle pareti. Oppure puoi valutare l’andamento della temperatura sulla superficie di una parete o di un pavimento radiante a regime e durante i cicli di accensione e spegnimento dell’impianto. O fare l’analisi dinamica di Glaser istante per istante e calcolare il volume del condensato e del rievaporato in un perido di tempo qualsiasi.
Mold DYNAMIC effettua automaticamente anche delle ulteriori analisi agli elementi finiti con dati in ingresso periodici per calcolare tutte le caratteristiche dinamiche della struttura completa secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 13786 quali: matrice di trasferimento di calore Z, sfasamento, attenuazione, capacità termica areica, ammettenze, trasmittanza termica dinamica ecc. necessari per il calcolo estivo. E’ importante sottolineare che questi valori vengono rilevati sull’effettiva struttura in esame e quindi anche per componenti edilizi complessi comprensivi di ponti termici, non solo per pacchetti di strati omogenei come avviene normalmente.
Ma non è tutto! Con Mold DYNAMIC puoi anche definire l’andamento della conducibilità di un materiale al variare della temperatura o l’andamento della temperatura lungo un contorno. Il dettaglio di tutte le funzioni disponibili è qui .
Mold Simulator è stato sviluppato secondo le seguenti norme:
- EN ISO 6946 “Componenti ed elementi edili – Resistenza termica e trasmittanza termica – Metodo di calcolo”
- EN ISO 10211 “Ponti termici in edilizia – Flussi termici e temperature superficiali – calcoli dettagliati”.
- EN ISO 13788 “Prestazione igrotermica dei componenti e degli elementi per edilizia. Temperatura superficiale interna per evitare l’umidità superficiale critica e la condensazione interstiziale”.
- EN ISO 13786 “Prestazioni termiche dei componenti per edilizia – Caratteristiche termiche dinamiche – Metodi di calcolo”.
The program resides and works entirely on your computer. For subscription licenses, an active Internet connection is required while using the program.
Subscription fee: the amount depends on the software and the duration of the subscription.
A one-off amount of € 28 is required for the initial activation and for each reactivation of an expired subscription.
By credit card, Paypal or Sepa debit.
By bank transfer only for annual subscriptions.
Subscription Updates
Updates and upgrades to new versions (for the same type of program) are included in the fee for the entire period of validity of the subscription.
Perpetual License Upgrades with subscription redemption
In case of purchase of a Perpetual License with redemption of a License subscription in version 6 or later, 12 months of free updates are provided starting from the subscription start date.
The subscription amount is automatically charged at the beginning of each period (automatic renewal with prepayment). If the user does not wish to continue the subscription, they must cancel it at any time before the automatic renewal. Once renewed, the installment cannot be refunded. Once canceled, the program can be used until the paid period expires.
The subscription is automatically terminated in case of non-payment or delayed renewal payment beyond 5 days.
Perpetual License Redemption
During the period of validity of the subscription and up to 10 days after its termination, the user has the possibility to purchase the perpetual license of the same program in the same version by discounting the amounts paid for the subscription fees.
More precisely, in the purchase of the perpetual license, the following sums will be deducted from the net price list, relating to the last active subscription, if actually paid:
– deduction of 90% of the subscription fee of each consecutive installment paid
– deduction of the € 28 paid for the initial registration fee
Note: any interruption in the payment of the periods will cause the cancellation of the subscription.
Example of redemption after 9 months of Mold PRO subscription:
3 paid quarterly passes: 3 X € 99 = € 297 + VAT
net purchase cost of the Mold PRO perpetual license with redemption: € 790- € 28- € 297 * 0.9 = € 494.7 + VAT
Redemption of versions higher than those paid for with the subscription will incur an additional version upgrade cost.
Excluded amounts
The following amounts will NOT be considered in case of redemption in the purchase of the perpetual license:
– Amounts for activation costs (eg: Web license, USB key).
– Amounts paid for previous expired subscriptions (non-consecutive periods).
– Amounts paid for reactivation or new activations after the first
– Amounts paid for updates and upgrades
– Amounts paid for plugins, support or other
– Discounts or special actions, unless specifically agreed with Dartwin
In any case, the deductible redemption sum cannot exceed the value of the program used in the subscription.
How to order
Choose from the options shown above and click on “Add to cart”. If you have chosen the activation with a new USB key return to catalog and add a USB key to your order.
Proceed to checkout and fill in all the fields for billing purposes. If you are not already registered, please enter your user name and password. Login is required to download the installation files.
How to pay
You can choose to pay by anticipated bank transfer or by credit card/Paypal.
If you pay by Bank transfer
After you have entered your order you will receive an email confirmation with the details for the transfer. Software activation and shipment of the USB dongle is possible only after we have recorded your payment. If you want to speed up the process, please send us a copy of your payment order by mail.
If you pay by Credit Card / Paypal
To guarantee the highest security level, payment by Credit Card is entirely processed within Paypal. We do not know and therefore do not control in any way your credit card data.
In case of successful payment you will immediately receive confirmation of Order Completed and you can immediately proceed downloading the installation files. If you do not receive our confirmation, it means that the payment did not go through or your credit card was not accepted. Please try again, maybe with another card and if necessary contact us to see if we received the payment confirmation from PayPal (normally this ahppens immediately).
How to obtain your software
The software is delivered by download from this site. There is no provision on physical media. When payment is completed you will receive an email with the link to download the installation file.
If at the time of the order you were already registered as visitor on our website, please wait that your account is authorized for the download (from a few minutes to a few hours).
If you wish, you can also download the installation software from download page after login.
How to activate the program
You can choose between two modes of activation: with software key or with optional USB dongle.
If you choose to activate with software key
After installing and starting the program you will see a code of 8 characters: send it to us via email to get the activation code. We will send you an activation key as soon as we receive confirmation of payment.
If you choose to activate with USB dongle
You will receive the USB dongle by express courier: we will ship it as soon as we receive confirmation of your payment.
How to use the program
You will find operating instructions, tutorials and documentation within the program in the help menu.
If you ordered online assistance, please send us your request with some alternative dates and times. We will try to schedule the instruction in one of the dates that you require. We will contact you to give you confirmation and send you the link information.
Operating system
You are free to choose the version to install in your computer, Windows or Mac OSX. Please check available versions in software description.
Program and documentation are available in English and Italian. The choice of language is selectable within the program.